Other Resources |
Below are some additional resources that may help you as you begin More Love, More Joy! or after you have completed the process. Please note, we do not specifically endorse any of the sites listed here (we merely provide the links for your convenience). Community Oriented Sites: Craigslist <www.craigslist.org> Have you ever wondered where to find a place to meet new friends, sell or buy something, find a new book group, hire a new employee or learn about new volunteer opportunities? Then you’ll love Craigslist. It a great place to find whatever you need and to post notices of your upcoming groups and it’s all FREE! E-vite <www.evite.com> If you haven’t used e-vite before you’ll love the fun of creating customized and personal invitations online. This site can be a great way to extend invitations to friends for any event, including More Love, More Joy! Circles. Meetup.com <www.meetup.com> If you would like to find the best nationwide online listing of new and existing groups visit Meetup.com. You can join others or start your own gathering and post ads on Meetup. They recently announced there were over 80,000 meetup gatherings listed every month! Others' Work You May Find Interesting: Dr. Emoto <www.hado.net> Discover the fascinating scientific work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. A pioneer in observing the molecular changes in water before and after exposure to words, thoughts, and, sounds. You’ll be amazed at what the power of prayer or uplifting words can do to transform the water crystals into beautiful geometric designs. If humans are 60-80% water, one can only imagine how those same words, thoughts, and feelings effect our body. Visit Dr. Emoto’s site to view beautiful photographs of water crystals and to learn more about his work. Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting <www.lynngrabhorn.com/excuseme.htm> Discover one of the most effective and entertaining books you’ll ever read. Lynn Grabhorn presents in a down-to-earth and practical manner how emotions can rule and sometimes ruin lives. You’ll be inspired by her stories and will love how easily you can follow her suggestions to start changing your life today. Possibilities DNA <www.possibilitiesdna.com> Explore cutting edge techniques for creating change, based on the understanding that our belief systems, habits, and everyday actions can be passed down from generation to generation through our DNA. Learn how to activate your DNA and begin creating desired changes in your own life. Misc. Resources: PT Guide <www.ptguide.com> If you are doing one of our weekend seminars in Port Townsend, PT Guide is the place to learn more about this charming Victorian seaport. You'll find pictures, maps, event listings, lodging and restaurant listings, and all kinds of recreational activities available in the area. Ryan West Marketing + Design <www.ryanwest.com> Like our book cover or website design? Ryan West can help you with all your marketing and graphic design needs. Logos, business cards, websites, advertising, retail packaging, she does it all and much more. Big firm know-how at freelancer pricing! |